I begin my journey to my meetings about 12:45pm and all of a sudden the car begins to shake just a little. I assumed it was only the road I was on, but as soon as I get onto 4 the entire car begins to vibrate. I feel like I am in a blender and begin flipping out. Normally if there is an odd sound I would just turn up the radio and ignore the noise, but there was nothing that I could do to ignore this.
I finally get to my first destination, The Dream Factory and get to sit down with Chris Krimitsos and Katie Krienitz. I was there with David Doerges and Celeste Underwood from Free Networking International as I have been for the past 4 weeks working on their Social Media and promoting their events. Anyways we had an AMAZING time learning about TWBA and talked all sorts of technical, Internet related things. My eyes were sparkly and I was indeed for an hour in heaven talking with like-minded individuals. In the back on my mind however I knew that I still had a situation with the car that I needed to tend to eventually. I was able to forget about it briefly as we began talking about Facebook, blogging and all sorts of other amazing things.
Once we finished that meeting we had to make out way to the Westshore Hotel only about a block over and meet with some other truy amazing individuals. Once again I got into the car praying that it would take me where I needed to go without killing me in the process.
Once at our second destination I realized that the front passenger tire was about 9 months prego and ready to burst. Actually it had a gigantic bubble on the side and the seam was tearing. Scary huh?
So we get to our meeting and sit down to talk about Free Networking International with AJ Puedan, Dave VanHoose and Dustin Mathews. Many amazing ideas were hashed out at this meeting. Some great content was provided to us. We also talked about the Self Wealth Live expo that will be going on in two weeks here in Tampa. It looks like an amazing event, but unfortunately I have a Tweetup the same day so I can't attend.
So as our second and final meeting came to an end I once again remembered that I have a tire about to pop and the only way to get home is to change it.
In dress pants, hair fixed, makeup on and in heels I pulled out the jack, got the spare and got to work right there in the parking lot of the Westshore Hotel. It was such a humid evening (6pm) and I was drenched in sweat by the time I got it fixed, but the point is that I got it fixed and in heels! Women can do anything men can do and give them an obstacle like heels and they will pull through and get it done.

It was a day of ups and downs, awesome new ideas, brainstorming and in the end I received an awesome gift.