If you are trying to make it in Second Life as a DJ, I have some helpful hints and tips to get you going or keep you moving.
Hint #1: Make sure you have the proper equipment and have tested it all before you begin to consider branding yourself as a Second Life DJ
Nexeus Fatale's post on what is needed to begin
DJing in Second Life
hereHint #2: Yes you do need a logo and a textured ad if you want to be taken seriously
Hint #3: Do you have an in-world prim business card?
If not, consider doing this. Of course it is going to need to be bigger than a normal business card so that prospective club/venue owners can read the information written on the card. Simple take the same concept of a real world business card and work the magic of Second Life into it. You can stuff the card full of promotional goodies such as: T-shirt/tank tops with your DJ logo on it, maybe you can have someone create something truly unique like a set of headphones that when worn becomes a dance machine. There are so many possibilities out there, just be creative.
Also make sure on your business card you include your DJ logo/name, email address and then add a
notecard that gives your rates and any dates that you may already be booked up.
Hint #4: Target event planners, wedding venues and club owners
Maybe you need to prove you are worth the chance by
DJing for free here and there. remember you too need to build up a presence and name within Second Life.
Hint #5: Run a classified ad in your profile
Make sure you use these keywords (and any others you can think of)
club, music, DJ,
DJing, party, hire, DJ for hire, venue, entertainment, dance, (your name) .........
Hint #6: Create a Google Calendar and share it with the world.
Don't just create it, use it!! Post where you will be on certain dates. This helps when people are trying to book you.
Hint #7: Do create a group in Second Life
This will be your fan base. Many venues want to hire
DJs that can bring i good traffic and new faces.
Hint #8: Do you have a
play list?
Create a blog and make a
play list of all of the music you have and take suggestions from people as to what they would like you to have available. This will help potential clients know what music you are capable of playing.
Hint #9: See if you can get downloads of popular songs by Second Life musicians
There are so many of them out there, all you have to do is get out there and network it!
Hint #10: Make sure you talk less and play more!
Hint #11: Take advantage of the power of social networking. It's free and only takes time and dedication to make it work for you.
Hint #12: Advertise in Second Life magazines if you can afford to do so.
Hint #13: Team up with a club to host a
premiere party every once in a while.
Hint #14: Even though you are a DJ you can still have contests and promotional events.
*Scavenger hunt
*photo contest
*Biggest fan contest
*Best venue
Lastly.... Have lots of fun doing it! If you enjoy what you do, people will notice and the vibe will be all the more positive!
I am Sadie
Pippita in Second Life and no I am not a DJ, I just know a thing or two about the virtual world of Second Life.
Look me up if you have any questions!