Thanks! ~ Kim Randall, Social Media Strategist and Interwebs Addict
For original post please visit my main blog HERE
For 2010 one of my New Years resolutions is to seek out AWESOME individuals rocking it in Social Media. I am not talking Ashton Kutcher-like rocking, I am talking about those individuals (maybe even you) that are positively using Social Media for business or personal reasons.
Who am I to judge this anyways, right? Well I didn’t write a book on “How To…..Social Media”, but I have been rockin’ it for 3 years and I know I can spot a good seed when one crosses my path.
So once a week starting January1st I am going to choose someone who in my eyes is using Social Media to brand whatever it is in a positive, social and un-spammy kind of way. I will write a blog post on them (after they have been notified and consent) and link to them all over the blog post for that week. The blog will be archived for years to come (unless the Internet Monsters eat my content).
You may not ever see these individuals featured on CNN for what they do, but this is my way of saying “I see you and YOU ROCK!”
I am pumped for 2010, are you?
If you would like to suggest someone who YOU think is rockin’ it. you can shoot me a DM on Twitter or send me an email at
I would LOVE to know who you think is a rockstar!
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