Thanks! ~ Kim Randall, Social Media Strategist and Interwebs Addict
Follow me on Twitter: @_KimRandall
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Kim Randall Social Media Strategist
My Mom, @CAR1012 and I, @_KimRandall were sitting around talking about handmade gifts for Christmas when we came up with the idea to add a little Social Media to our Holiday celebrations.
Since we loved the idea SO much we have decided to offer these for sale to all of you. Below are images (not the best resolution, sorry) of ornaments we will be selling starting this coming up week.
Let us know what you think as we would love some feedback!
If you are interested in purchasing one of these, you can preorder by emailing me at
Prices will be posted when we begin selling them.
We do hope you enjoy our creativeness and would like for you to keep in mind that these are handmade crafts!
Enjoy and Happy Holidays!